" Input: { (template) - use different template uoa (cid) - direct CID (search) - search string (search_by_tags) - search by tags (separated by comma or | for OR operator) (native_action) - if !='', use this instead of action and just show output (with menu but without query) (aview) - if 'yes', alternative view (module+data UOA) in title instead of data_name (since not all may have it and there is currently no standard) (skip_links) - if 'yes', do not show links (view meta, etc) (skip_desc) - if 'yes', do not show desc (ignore_without_alias) - if 'yes', skip entries without alias (i.e. ignoring ENV when showing CK AI market entries) (limit) - limit number of CK entries to show (force_limit) - force limit number of CK entries to show (no_limit) - show all entries } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 html - unicoded html page } "